At Wimborne Physiotherapy we often receive feedback from our clients. Here is a recent letter we thought we’d share…
My Mum suffered a bad stroke in September 2014 resulting in significant loss of strength and movement in the entire left-hand side of her body.
I employed Karen McGillicuddy on recommendation and because of her specialism in treating patients with neurological conditions to help with Mum’s rehabilitation immediately after her discharge from hospital. When Karen started working with Mum she was unable to walk or support her own weight and she needed to use a manual stand lift to transfer between bed, commode and wheelchair.
In addition to her physical weakness Mum’s problems were exacerbated by her negative moods, emotionalism and severe post-stroke pain syndrome which all hindered her recovery. Karen took a holistic approach to dealing with all these complex conditions treating both the physical and emotional aspects with kindness, understanding and empathy.
Karen has been fantastic and we cannot thank her enough.
She has been encouraging and persistent throughout Mum’s treatment setting challenging yet realistic goals at each stage.
Due in most part to the treatment sessions with Karen over the last 3 to 4 months, Mum is now able to support her own weight, walk steps with the aid of a walking stick, is suffering much less pain and is starting to become more optimistic about the future.
Mum and I have tremendous faith in Karen’s skill, knowledge and approach and we would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a physiotherapist, particularly to those suffering from neurological conditions.
Kenton, Ringwood